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Adaptive Planning

Adaptive Planning in the realm of Agile DevOps is a strategic, flexible approach to planning that accommodates and embraces changes, rather than strictly adhering to a fixed path. It acknowledges that in a dynamic development environment, the needs and solutions may evolve over time, and thus, planning must be continuously revisited and adjusted.

In a traditional planning scenario, the scope and steps of a project are defined at the beginning and followed rigidly. However, in Agile DevOps, Adaptive Planning takes center stage; it operates under the premise that change is not only expected but is a beneficial aspect of project development. Teams using Adaptive Planning work with a long-term vision in mind, yet they plan in short, iterative cycles—often aligned with their sprints or iterations—to allow for regular evaluation of the project's direction and priorities.

This approach ensures that the planning process is a continuous, iterative activity, integrating new insights and feedback as the project progresses. It's a core principle that enables DevOps teams to pivot and adapt quickly to new information, technological advancements, or changes in market conditions without being constrained by an inflexible plan.

Moreover, Adaptive Planning is crucial for risk management in DevOps, as it allows teams to identify potential issues early and adjust their strategy accordingly, promoting a proactive rather than reactive stance. It's a process that supports the collaborative and cross-functional nature of DevOps, involving all stakeholders, from developers to operations to business representatives, ensuring that the product evolves in a way that is aligned with user needs and business goals.


A software agent is designed to automate certain tasks related to the development and operation of software systems. These tasks may include building and testing code, deploying code to production environments, monitoring the health and performance of systems, and performing other tasks as needed to ensure the smooth operation and development of software systems.

Agents are typically designed to work in concert with other tools and processes within the DevOps ecosystem, such as continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, configuration management systems, and monitoring and alerting tools. They may also be integrated with collaboration and communication tools, such as chat or issue tracking systems, to facilitate communication and coordination between team members.

Overall, the goal of a DevOps agent is to improve the efficiency, reliability, and agility of software development and operations teams by automating a range of tasks and processes, and by providing a centralized point of control for managing and coordinating the various tools and processes within the DevOps ecosystem.


In the context of DevOps, "agentless" typically refers to the use of tools or technologies that do not require the installation of a software agent on the target system in order to perform certain tasks or functions.

For example, some configuration management tools, such as Ansible, allow users to manage and configure systems remotely without the need to install a dedicated agent on the target system. Similarly, some monitoring and alerting tools use protocols such as SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) to collect data and monitor the health and performance of systems without the need for a dedicated agent.

The use of agentless tools and technologies can have a number of benefits in the DevOps context, including:

  1. Simplicity: Agentless tools and technologies can be simpler to use and set up than those that require the installation of a dedicated agent.
  2. Portability: Because agentless tools and technologies do not require the installation of a software agent on the target system, they can be more portable and easier to use in environments where it is difficult or impractical to install software.
  3. Security: In some cases, the use of agentless tools and technologies may be more secure, as they do not introduce additional components onto the target system that could potentially be exploited by attackers.

Overall, the choice between using agent-based or agentless tools and technologies will depend on the specific needs and requirements of a given DevOps environment, and may involve trade-offs in terms of simplicity, portability, and security.

Agile Software Development

Agile software development is a set of values, principles, and practices that aim to improve the speed and flexibility of software development by focusing on rapid iteration and continuous delivery of working software. Agile development approaches are designed to be adaptable and responsive to change, and to enable teams to respond quickly to new requirements or changes in the business environment.

In the context of DevOps, agile software development practices can be used to help teams build, test, and deploy software in a rapid and continuous manner. This can involve using tools and processes such as continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, automated testing, and deployment automation to enable teams to deliver software updates and new features on a frequent and predictable basis.

Some of the key principles of agile software development that are relevant to DevOps include:

  1. Collaboration: Agile development emphasizes the importance of close collaboration between development and operations teams, as well as between developers, testers, and other stakeholders.
  2. Adaptability: Agile development approaches are designed to be adaptable and responsive to change, enabling teams to pivot quickly in response to new requirements or changes in the business environment.
  3. Continuous improvement: Agile development emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and improvement, and encourages teams to regularly review and assess their processes and practices to identify opportunities for improvement.

This is a version of software development that is not based purely in a linear flow of work.  Traditional software development will follow a Waterfall delivery methodology.  Agile software development will follow a more prescriptive delivery flow like SAFe.

Application Release Automation (ARA)

Application-release automation (ARA) is a process or set of tools and practices that aim to automate and streamline the process of releasing software updates and new features to production environments. ARA typically involves automating the various tasks and processes involved in building, testing, and deploying code, including tasks such as building and testing code, promoting code through different environments, and rolling out code to production environments.

In the context of DevOps, ARA can be a critical component of the overall software development and deployment process, helping teams to reduce the time and effort required to release updates and new features, and improving the speed and reliability of software deployments.

Some of the key features and benefits of ARA in the DevOps context include:

  1. Speed: ARA can help teams to reduce the time and effort required to release software updates and new features, enabling teams to deliver software more quickly and respond more quickly to changing business needs.
  2. Reliability: ARA can help teams to ensure that software releases are consistent, repeatable, and reliable, reducing the risk of errors or disruptions during the release process.
  3. Visibility: ARA typically provides a central point of control and visibility for managing and coordinating the release process, helping teams to understand the status of releases and identify any issues or bottlenecks in the process.
  4. Integration: ARA can be integrated with other tools and processes within the DevOps ecosystem, such as continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines and monitoring and alerting tools, to provide a more comprehensive view of the release process and to facilitate collaboration and coordination between teams.


In the context of DevOps, an artifact is a file or set of files that is produced as part of the software development and deployment process. Artifacts may include things such as compiled code, configuration files, scripts, test results, and other types of files that are used or generated as part of the development and deployment process.

Artifacts are typically stored in a central repository or artifact store, and may be shared or transferred between different tools and processes within the DevOps ecosystem. For example, artifacts may be generated as part of a continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipeline, and then passed on to other tools or processes for further testing, deployment, or release.

Artifacts can play a critical role in the DevOps process, as they provide a record of the various stages of the development and deployment process, and can be used to trace the history and provenance of software releases. They can also help teams to automate and streamline the process of building, testing, and releasing software, by providing a central point of access to the various files and assets needed to build and deploy software.

Automated Deployment

Automated deployment is the use of tools and processes to automate the process of releasing code and other artifacts to production environments. Automated deployment can help teams to reduce the time and effort required to deploy code, and to improve the reliability and speed of deployments.

In the context of DevOps, automated deployment is typically part of a continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipeline, which automates the process of building, testing, and deploying code. The CI/CD pipeline may include a number of different stages, such as building and testing code, promoting code through different environments, and rolling out code to production environments.

Automated deployment can involve a range of tasks and processes, including:

  1. Building and packaging code and other artifacts: This may involve tasks such as compiling code, creating deployment packages, and generating any necessary configuration files or scripts.
  2. Testing code: This may involve running automated tests to ensure that code is functional and meets quality standards, and may include tasks such as unit testing, integration testing, and acceptance testing.
  3. Promoting code through different environments: This may involve moving code from one environment to another, such as from a development environment to a staging environment, or from staging to production.
  4. Rolling out code to production environments: This may involve tasks such as deploying code to production servers, updating configuration files, and restarting services as necessary.

Automated Provisioning

Automated provisioning is the use of tools and processes to automate the process of setting up and configuring infrastructure in a consistent and repeatable manner. Automated provisioning can help teams to reduce the time and effort required to set up and configure systems, and to improve the consistency and reliability of deployments.

In the context of DevOps, automated provisioning is typically achieved through the use of configuration management tools, such as Ansible, Puppet, or Chef. These tools allow teams to define and manage the configuration of systems using a declarative configuration language, and to automate the process of provisioning and configuring infrastructure, including tasks such as installing and configuring software, setting up and configuring servers and other infrastructure components, and managing and updating configuration files.

Automated provisioning can be used in a range of contexts, including:

  1. Setting up and configuring new systems: Automated provisioning can help teams to quickly and consistently set up and configure new systems, reducing the time and effort required to get systems up and running.
  2. Managing and updating existing systems: Automated provisioning can help teams to manage and update the configuration of existing systems in a consistent and repeatable manner, ensuring that systems remain up-to-date and compliant with company policies and best practices.
  3. Provisioning and configuring infrastructure in cloud environments: Automated provisioning can be particularly useful for setting up and configuring infrastructure in cloud environments, where the ability to quickly and consistently provision and configure resources can be a key advantage.

Automated Testing

Automated testing is the use of tools and processes to automate the testing of software, in order to reduce the time and effort required to test code, and to improve the reliability and coverage of testing.

In the context of DevOps, automated testing is a key component of the overall software development and deployment process, and is typically integrated with other tools and processes such as continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines. Automated testing can involve a range of different types of tests, including unit tests, integration tests, acceptance tests, and performance tests.

Some of the key benefits of automated testing in the DevOps context include:

  1. Speed: Automated testing can significantly reduce the time and effort required to test code, enabling teams to deliver software updates and new features more quickly.
  2. Reliability: Automated tests are typically more consistent and reliable than manual testing, as they do not rely on human intervention and are less prone to errors.
  3. Coverage: Automated testing can help teams to achieve a higher level of test coverage, by running tests more frequently and on a wider range of inputs and configurations.
  4. Efficiency: Automated testing can help teams to more efficiently allocate testing resources, by allowing teams to focus on more complex or value-added tasks, rather than on routine testing tasks.


In the context of DevOps, autonomy refers to the use of tools and processes to automate various tasks and processes within the software development and operations lifecycle. This can include things such as automating the build, test, and deployment of code, automating the provisioning and configuration of infrastructure, and automating the monitoring and management of systems.

The use of autonomy in DevOps can help teams to improve the efficiency, reliability, and speed of software development and operations, by reducing the need for manual intervention and enabling teams to focus on higher-value tasks.

There are a number of different approaches to achieving autonomy in DevOps, including the use of:

  1. Continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines: These pipelines automate the process of building, testing, and deploying code, enabling teams to deliver software updates and new features on a frequent and predictable basis.
  2. Configuration management tools: These tools automate the process of provisioning and configuring infrastructure, helping teams to quickly and consistently deploy and manage systems.
  3. Monitoring and alerting tools: These tools automate the process of monitoring systems and alerting teams to issues or problems, enabling teams to proactively identify and resolve issues before they impact users.

The primary goal of autonomy in DevOps is to enable teams to work more efficiently and effectively, by automating tasks and processes that are repetitive or time-consuming, and by freeing up team members to focus on more complex or value-added tasks.


In the context of DevOps, availability refers to the ability of a system or service to be accessible and functioning as expected. Availability is typically measured as a percentage of uptime, and is an important consideration for any system or service that is critical to the operation of a business or organization.

In the DevOps context, ensuring availability typically involves a range of practices and tools, including:

  1. Monitoring: Monitoring systems and services can help teams to identify and resolve issues or problems that may impact availability.
  2. Alerting: Setting up alerts can help teams to proactively identify and respond to issues or problems that may impact availability.
  3. Redundancy and failover: Designing systems and services with redundancy and failover capabilities can help to improve availability by enabling systems to continue operating in the event of an outage or other problem.
  4. Disaster recovery: Planning and preparing for the recovery of systems and services in the event of a disaster or other catastrophic event can help to improve availability by enabling teams to quickly and effectively recover from disruptions.