Geoff Wagner

Geoff Wagner's Posts:

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on navigating the DevOps Engineer Path, a thrilling journey towards becoming a proficient DevOps professional.

Trust and respect are essential ingredients in any healthy working environment. When trust and respect are present, team members feel safe to give their best, collaborate openly, and challenge one another constructively.

DevOps (an abbreviation of developer operations) is the marriage between software development and IT operation. It's a term used to describe practices and technologies aimed at bringing together software engineers and IT professionals to produce software more efficiently.

Automation Testing in DevOps is generally relegated to the software being released to production. Environmental testing is performed by manual testing practices or high-level smoke tests.

Sysdig Threat Research Team has discovered PURPLEURCHIN, an elaborate crypto mining operation taking advantage of automated CI/CD services. Attackers have used millions of free compute cycles through services such as GitHub Actions, Heroku, and others, to run the operation.

Whether it's Python, JavaScript, or other programming languages, Developers spend a lot of time writing code. More traditional infrastructure engineers are going to spend their time in a user interface configuring their systems and services to work for their organizations.

This is a pretty loaded question. Is cooking a skill? Are home builders skilled or unskilled labor? A skill would denote being able to do something well or having expertise in practice.

The primary advantage of using DevOps is that it helps businesses to develop software and launch new software versions more quickly, with greater reliability, and at a higher level of quality.

The primary skill sets that DevOps engineers need are either in the system administration or software development space. Those 2 foundational skill sets will help any team build some cool solutions to complex problems.